Blitzkrieg to Defeat


By H.R. Trevor-Roper

Published by Holt, Reinhart and Winston

Year published - 1964

Book format - Hard coverSummary

This is a first edition English translation of Hitler’s war directives, 1939-1945. It was originally published as “Hitler’s Weisungen fur die Kriegfuhrung 1939-1945, Dokumente des OberKommandos der Wehrmacht”, edited by Walter Hubatsch.

notes - no dust jacket

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By H.R. Trevor-Roper

Published by Holt, Reinhart and Winston

Year published - 1964

Book format - Hard coverSummary

This is a first edition English translation of Hitler’s war directives, 1939-1945. It was originally published as “Hitler’s Weisungen fur die Kriegfuhrung 1939-1945, Dokumente des OberKommandos der Wehrmacht”, edited by Walter Hubatsch.

notes - no dust jacket

By H.R. Trevor-Roper

Published by Holt, Reinhart and Winston

Year published - 1964

Book format - Hard coverSummary

This is a first edition English translation of Hitler’s war directives, 1939-1945. It was originally published as “Hitler’s Weisungen fur die Kriegfuhrung 1939-1945, Dokumente des OberKommandos der Wehrmacht”, edited by Walter Hubatsch.

notes - no dust jacket

Fascism in Britain: a History 1918-1985
Pacific War Diary: The Secret Diary of an American Sailor 1942-1945
The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War
War in the Air
War on the High Seas