Conquest | Cortes, Montezuma, and the Fall of Old Mexico


Author - Hugh Thomas

Year published - 1993

Published by - Touchstone Books

Book Format - Soft Cover

Genre - 16th - 17th Century


Drawing on newly discovered sources and writing, the author presents an engrossing narrative of the clash of two great empires locked in an epic battle. Conquest captures in extraordinary detail the Aztec and Spanish civilizations and offers unprecedented in-depth portraits of the legendary opponents, Montezuma and Cortes. This book is an essential work of history from one of our most gifted historians.

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Author - Hugh Thomas

Year published - 1993

Published by - Touchstone Books

Book Format - Soft Cover

Genre - 16th - 17th Century


Drawing on newly discovered sources and writing, the author presents an engrossing narrative of the clash of two great empires locked in an epic battle. Conquest captures in extraordinary detail the Aztec and Spanish civilizations and offers unprecedented in-depth portraits of the legendary opponents, Montezuma and Cortes. This book is an essential work of history from one of our most gifted historians.

Notes -

Author - Hugh Thomas

Year published - 1993

Published by - Touchstone Books

Book Format - Soft Cover

Genre - 16th - 17th Century


Drawing on newly discovered sources and writing, the author presents an engrossing narrative of the clash of two great empires locked in an epic battle. Conquest captures in extraordinary detail the Aztec and Spanish civilizations and offers unprecedented in-depth portraits of the legendary opponents, Montezuma and Cortes. This book is an essential work of history from one of our most gifted historians.

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Cromwell | The Lord Protector
Cromwell's crowning mercy | the Battle of Worcester 1651
History of the Conquest of Peru
London | The Biography
South Africa (The Cape Colony, Natal, Orange Free State, South African Republic, Rhodesia, and All Other Territories South of the Zambesi)