Impact: Taking the War to the Foe


By James Parton

Published by The National Historical Society

Year Published 1989

Book Format - Hard cover


This book is a reproduction of a 1943 USAAF publication. It has wide ranging coverage of air action against the Axis Powers during the Second World War. It includes thoughtful commentaries by 14 World War ll leaders and has over 100 black and white photographs.

Notes - No dust jacket.

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By James Parton

Published by The National Historical Society

Year Published 1989

Book Format - Hard cover


This book is a reproduction of a 1943 USAAF publication. It has wide ranging coverage of air action against the Axis Powers during the Second World War. It includes thoughtful commentaries by 14 World War ll leaders and has over 100 black and white photographs.

Notes - No dust jacket.

By James Parton

Published by The National Historical Society

Year Published 1989

Book Format - Hard cover


This book is a reproduction of a 1943 USAAF publication. It has wide ranging coverage of air action against the Axis Powers during the Second World War. It includes thoughtful commentaries by 14 World War ll leaders and has over 100 black and white photographs.

Notes - No dust jacket.

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