Infantry Combat: The Rifle Platoon


By John F. Antal

Published by Presido Press

Year published —-1995

Book format —-Hard cover


In interactive exercise in small-unit tactics and leadership. This book will test your knowledge of infantry tactics and judgement by negotiating this interactive story. A unique and unforgettable way to learn about light infantry tactics. Whether you’re a serving infantryman or armchair enthusiast, this is the best crash course in light infantry tactics you will find, short of a rotation through the National Training Center.

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By John F. Antal

Published by Presido Press

Year published —-1995

Book format —-Hard cover


In interactive exercise in small-unit tactics and leadership. This book will test your knowledge of infantry tactics and judgement by negotiating this interactive story. A unique and unforgettable way to learn about light infantry tactics. Whether you’re a serving infantryman or armchair enthusiast, this is the best crash course in light infantry tactics you will find, short of a rotation through the National Training Center.

By John F. Antal

Published by Presido Press

Year published —-1995

Book format —-Hard cover


In interactive exercise in small-unit tactics and leadership. This book will test your knowledge of infantry tactics and judgement by negotiating this interactive story. A unique and unforgettable way to learn about light infantry tactics. Whether you’re a serving infantryman or armchair enthusiast, this is the best crash course in light infantry tactics you will find, short of a rotation through the National Training Center.

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