Jane's Warship Recognition Guide


By Anthony J. Watts

Published By Collins

Year Published 2006

Book Format - Soft cover


An essential pocket guide with full colour photographs, complete up-to-date specifications and technical data, and detailed line drawings. This is an excellent mid-range pocket reference book on the world’s major naval vessels.

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By Anthony J. Watts

Published By Collins

Year Published 2006

Book Format - Soft cover


An essential pocket guide with full colour photographs, complete up-to-date specifications and technical data, and detailed line drawings. This is an excellent mid-range pocket reference book on the world’s major naval vessels.

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By Anthony J. Watts

Published By Collins

Year Published 2006

Book Format - Soft cover


An essential pocket guide with full colour photographs, complete up-to-date specifications and technical data, and detailed line drawings. This is an excellent mid-range pocket reference book on the world’s major naval vessels.

Notes -

Warships Of World War 2 | Part 2: Destroyers And Submarines
The World’s Warships
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Jane's Pocket Book of Major Combat Aircraft