Our Man in Damascus, Elie Cohn


Author - Eli Ben-Hanan

Year published - 1971

Published by - Robert Hale

Book Format - Soft Cover

Genre - Postwar Middle East


This is the true life spy story of one of the great martyrs of Israel. This man warned Israel about the coming attack by her Arab neighbors, while knowing that it would bring about his own capture and death. His sacrifice saved many Israeli lives.

Notes - Cover is well worn and has some spots on it

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Author - Eli Ben-Hanan

Year published - 1971

Published by - Robert Hale

Book Format - Soft Cover

Genre - Postwar Middle East


This is the true life spy story of one of the great martyrs of Israel. This man warned Israel about the coming attack by her Arab neighbors, while knowing that it would bring about his own capture and death. His sacrifice saved many Israeli lives.

Notes - Cover is well worn and has some spots on it

Author - Eli Ben-Hanan

Year published - 1971

Published by - Robert Hale

Book Format - Soft Cover

Genre - Postwar Middle East


This is the true life spy story of one of the great martyrs of Israel. This man warned Israel about the coming attack by her Arab neighbors, while knowing that it would bring about his own capture and death. His sacrifice saved many Israeli lives.

Notes - Cover is well worn and has some spots on it

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