Raid on St Nazaire


Author - David Mason

Year published - 1970

Published by - Ballantine Illustrated History of WW2

Book Format - Soft Cover

Genre - World War 2 - Europe


This book is part of the excellent series by Ballantine Books on the Second World. This edition cover the daring raid on the St Nazaire dry dock. The raid was deemed necessary in order to prevent the Germans from using it to repair large warships like the Bismarck and Tirpitz.

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Author - David Mason

Year published - 1970

Published by - Ballantine Illustrated History of WW2

Book Format - Soft Cover

Genre - World War 2 - Europe


This book is part of the excellent series by Ballantine Books on the Second World. This edition cover the daring raid on the St Nazaire dry dock. The raid was deemed necessary in order to prevent the Germans from using it to repair large warships like the Bismarck and Tirpitz.

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Author - David Mason

Year published - 1970

Published by - Ballantine Illustrated History of WW2

Book Format - Soft Cover

Genre - World War 2 - Europe


This book is part of the excellent series by Ballantine Books on the Second World. This edition cover the daring raid on the St Nazaire dry dock. The raid was deemed necessary in order to prevent the Germans from using it to repair large warships like the Bismarck and Tirpitz.

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Horrido! | fighter aces of the Luftwaffe
The German Navy in World War Two
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