Tanganyikan Guerrilla | East African Campaign, 1914-18


Author - J. Roger Sibley

Year published - 1973

Published by - Ballantine Books

Book Format - Soft Cover

Genre - World War 1 - Mediterranean and Africa


This book is part of the excellent series by Ballantine Books on the First World War. This edition covers the campaign in German East Africa.

Notes -

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Author - J. Roger Sibley

Year published - 1973

Published by - Ballantine Books

Book Format - Soft Cover

Genre - World War 1 - Mediterranean and Africa


This book is part of the excellent series by Ballantine Books on the First World War. This edition covers the campaign in German East Africa.

Notes -

Author - J. Roger Sibley

Year published - 1973

Published by - Ballantine Books

Book Format - Soft Cover

Genre - World War 1 - Mediterranean and Africa


This book is part of the excellent series by Ballantine Books on the First World War. This edition covers the campaign in German East Africa.

Notes -

African Mythology
Wandering in Africa
From Slavery To Freedom | a history of African Americans
African Mythology
South Africa (The Cape Colony, Natal, Orange Free State, South African Republic, Rhodesia, and All Other Territories South of the Zambesi)