The First to Fly


Author - Sherwood Harris

Year published - 1970

Published by - Simon and Schuster

Book Format - Hard Cover

Genre - General Aviation History


The first Wright powered machine may have left a lot to be desired as far as performance went, but it was a thing of unique beauty and grace. In fact, flying seemed more like fantasy than an actual fact in its pioneer days. The author captures all the color, daring do, resourcefulness, mechanical ingenuity, perseverance, and courage that turned dreams of daredevils into aviation’s triumph. He begins with the earliest days of flight and climbs into the air with the first due of aircraft during the First World War.

Notes - No dust jacket Slight wear and tear on cover

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Author - Sherwood Harris

Year published - 1970

Published by - Simon and Schuster

Book Format - Hard Cover

Genre - General Aviation History


The first Wright powered machine may have left a lot to be desired as far as performance went, but it was a thing of unique beauty and grace. In fact, flying seemed more like fantasy than an actual fact in its pioneer days. The author captures all the color, daring do, resourcefulness, mechanical ingenuity, perseverance, and courage that turned dreams of daredevils into aviation’s triumph. He begins with the earliest days of flight and climbs into the air with the first due of aircraft during the First World War.

Notes - No dust jacket Slight wear and tear on cover

Author - Sherwood Harris

Year published - 1970

Published by - Simon and Schuster

Book Format - Hard Cover

Genre - General Aviation History


The first Wright powered machine may have left a lot to be desired as far as performance went, but it was a thing of unique beauty and grace. In fact, flying seemed more like fantasy than an actual fact in its pioneer days. The author captures all the color, daring do, resourcefulness, mechanical ingenuity, perseverance, and courage that turned dreams of daredevils into aviation’s triumph. He begins with the earliest days of flight and climbs into the air with the first due of aircraft during the First World War.

Notes - No dust jacket Slight wear and tear on cover

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