The Gnostics


By Tobias Churton

Published by Barnes & Noble

Year Published 1997

Book Format - Hard cover


The author takes the reader on a spiritual journey through two millennia ans across Europe. He pays particular attention to southern France of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, for it was there that Gnosticism, driven to verge of extinction, burst into new life as Cartharism. It was considered heresy though and the church founded an Inquisition specifically to crush it. Gnosticism has endured and has influenced such figures as Pico del MIrandola, William Blake and John Lennon.

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By Tobias Churton

Published by Barnes & Noble

Year Published 1997

Book Format - Hard cover


The author takes the reader on a spiritual journey through two millennia ans across Europe. He pays particular attention to southern France of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, for it was there that Gnosticism, driven to verge of extinction, burst into new life as Cartharism. It was considered heresy though and the church founded an Inquisition specifically to crush it. Gnosticism has endured and has influenced such figures as Pico del MIrandola, William Blake and John Lennon.

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By Tobias Churton

Published by Barnes & Noble

Year Published 1997

Book Format - Hard cover


The author takes the reader on a spiritual journey through two millennia ans across Europe. He pays particular attention to southern France of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, for it was there that Gnosticism, driven to verge of extinction, burst into new life as Cartharism. It was considered heresy though and the church founded an Inquisition specifically to crush it. Gnosticism has endured and has influenced such figures as Pico del MIrandola, William Blake and John Lennon.

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Time Frame AD 1800-1850: The Pulse of Enterprise
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