The Secret Life of Houdini: the Making of America's First Superhero


By William Kalush & Larry Sloman

Published By Atria Books

Year Published 2006

Book Format - Hard cover


this book draws on newly uncovered archives and the co-author’s expertise in magic to reveal Houdini’s secret work as spy for the United States and England, his post WW1 efforts to expose the fraudulent activities of spiritualist mediums. This is a well researched book on the most renowned magician and escape artist.

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By William Kalush & Larry Sloman

Published By Atria Books

Year Published 2006

Book Format - Hard cover


this book draws on newly uncovered archives and the co-author’s expertise in magic to reveal Houdini’s secret work as spy for the United States and England, his post WW1 efforts to expose the fraudulent activities of spiritualist mediums. This is a well researched book on the most renowned magician and escape artist.

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By William Kalush & Larry Sloman

Published By Atria Books

Year Published 2006

Book Format - Hard cover


this book draws on newly uncovered archives and the co-author’s expertise in magic to reveal Houdini’s secret work as spy for the United States and England, his post WW1 efforts to expose the fraudulent activities of spiritualist mediums. This is a well researched book on the most renowned magician and escape artist.

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The Arms of Krupp, 1587-1968
A Introduction to the History of East Africa
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