The World of Albert Schweitzer


Author —- Erika Anderson

Year Published —- 1955

Published by —-Harper and Brothers

Genre History —-in General

Hard cover


A truly inspiring portrait of the great thinker, the humble doer, the healer, and artist. Albert Schweitzer is also a renowned scientist, theologian and humanitarian, primarily for his work in Africa.

One of the finest picture books in years.

Notes —- no dust jacket

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Author —- Erika Anderson

Year Published —- 1955

Published by —-Harper and Brothers

Genre History —-in General

Hard cover


A truly inspiring portrait of the great thinker, the humble doer, the healer, and artist. Albert Schweitzer is also a renowned scientist, theologian and humanitarian, primarily for his work in Africa.

One of the finest picture books in years.

Notes —- no dust jacket

Author —- Erika Anderson

Year Published —- 1955

Published by —-Harper and Brothers

Genre History —-in General

Hard cover


A truly inspiring portrait of the great thinker, the humble doer, the healer, and artist. Albert Schweitzer is also a renowned scientist, theologian and humanitarian, primarily for his work in Africa.

One of the finest picture books in years.

Notes —- no dust jacket

By Erica Anderson No Dust Jacket

Galileo's Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love.
Chasing the Dragon | A Veteran Journalist's Firsthand Account of the 1949 Chinese Revolution
Time Frame AD 1400-1500 | Voyages of Discovery
Time Frame AD 200-600 | Empires besieged
A Concise History of the Spanish Civil War