Tug of War: The Battle for Italy 1943-1945


By Dominick Graham & Shelford Bidwell

Published By St. Martin’s Press

Year Published 1986


This book recounts the invasion of Italy by Allied forces, during the Second World War. It analyzes the strategies of Allied and German forces, and includes profiles of the military leaders of both sides. This book rightly belongs on the shelves of all serious students of the Second World War, who have an interest in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations for its depth of topic.

Notes - Some wear and tear on dust jacket.

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By Dominick Graham & Shelford Bidwell

Published By St. Martin’s Press

Year Published 1986


This book recounts the invasion of Italy by Allied forces, during the Second World War. It analyzes the strategies of Allied and German forces, and includes profiles of the military leaders of both sides. This book rightly belongs on the shelves of all serious students of the Second World War, who have an interest in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations for its depth of topic.

Notes - Some wear and tear on dust jacket.

By Dominick Graham & Shelford Bidwell

Published By St. Martin’s Press

Year Published 1986


This book recounts the invasion of Italy by Allied forces, during the Second World War. It analyzes the strategies of Allied and German forces, and includes profiles of the military leaders of both sides. This book rightly belongs on the shelves of all serious students of the Second World War, who have an interest in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations for its depth of topic.

Notes - Some wear and tear on dust jacket.

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