Vanquished: Crushing Defeats from Ancient Rome to the 21st Century


By Mir Bahmanyar

Published By Osprey Publishing

Year Published - 2009

Book Format - Hard cover


Throughout time, violent battles and bloody clashes have changed the course of history and shaped nations or empires. Battles of annihilation are rare, but ever since antiquity a stunning victory on the battlefield, even if it failed to win the war, has captured the imagination of many. The author narrates historic defeats from the battle of Cannae in 216 BC to Qala-I-Jangi in 2001. He describes their impact on world history at that time. Some of these battles are well known and some lesser known, some of the more well known defeats are not mentioned, but you will be enthralled by the compelling narrative and incisive analysis of some of the most fascinating , and appalling, battles in history.

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By Mir Bahmanyar

Published By Osprey Publishing

Year Published - 2009

Book Format - Hard cover


Throughout time, violent battles and bloody clashes have changed the course of history and shaped nations or empires. Battles of annihilation are rare, but ever since antiquity a stunning victory on the battlefield, even if it failed to win the war, has captured the imagination of many. The author narrates historic defeats from the battle of Cannae in 216 BC to Qala-I-Jangi in 2001. He describes their impact on world history at that time. Some of these battles are well known and some lesser known, some of the more well known defeats are not mentioned, but you will be enthralled by the compelling narrative and incisive analysis of some of the most fascinating , and appalling, battles in history.

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By Mir Bahmanyar

Published By Osprey Publishing

Year Published - 2009

Book Format - Hard cover


Throughout time, violent battles and bloody clashes have changed the course of history and shaped nations or empires. Battles of annihilation are rare, but ever since antiquity a stunning victory on the battlefield, even if it failed to win the war, has captured the imagination of many. The author narrates historic defeats from the battle of Cannae in 216 BC to Qala-I-Jangi in 2001. He describes their impact on world history at that time. Some of these battles are well known and some lesser known, some of the more well known defeats are not mentioned, but you will be enthralled by the compelling narrative and incisive analysis of some of the most fascinating , and appalling, battles in history.

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Patton's Photographs: War As He Saw IT
Queen Victoria's Little Wars
Patton and Rommel: Men of War in the 20th Century
The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War
Military History Quarterly: Vol. 14, No. 4.