War on the Nile | Britain, Egypt, and the Sudan, 1882-1898


Author - Michael Barthorp

Year published - 1984

Published by - Blandford Press

Book Format - Soft Cover

Genre - British Colonial Wars


Tells of Britain's continual military involvement in Egypt and the Sudan to protect British "interests" and the Suez Canal. A compelling story of gruelling desert campaigns led by Victorian generals such as Wolseley, Gordon, and Kitchener against Mahdi and the Khalifa.

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Author - Michael Barthorp

Year published - 1984

Published by - Blandford Press

Book Format - Soft Cover

Genre - British Colonial Wars


Tells of Britain's continual military involvement in Egypt and the Sudan to protect British "interests" and the Suez Canal. A compelling story of gruelling desert campaigns led by Victorian generals such as Wolseley, Gordon, and Kitchener against Mahdi and the Khalifa.

Notes -

Author - Michael Barthorp

Year published - 1984

Published by - Blandford Press

Book Format - Soft Cover

Genre - British Colonial Wars


Tells of Britain's continual military involvement in Egypt and the Sudan to protect British "interests" and the Suez Canal. A compelling story of gruelling desert campaigns led by Victorian generals such as Wolseley, Gordon, and Kitchener against Mahdi and the Khalifa.

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Gordon of Khartoum: The Saga of a Victorian Hero.
The Scramble for Africa
Ethiopia Under Mussolini: Fascism & the Colonial Experience
The Dash for Khartoum
Man on the Kafue | The Archaeology and History of the Itezhitezhi Area of Zambia